The Lower Triad

As happy as I am in Malkuth, I think we have reached a point of stagnation. Looking not only over our correspondence over the last couple weeks – distracted with holidays, new work alliances, and the coming new year (not to mention some powerfully astrological days recently – we’ll be in a boom time until the 8th) I want to revisit our timeline, and relate some revelations during my meditation today. 

I’ve done a good amount of chakra work, through an intense study of yoga, and also in magical-related reading. I’ve had some Kundalini flareups that are peripherally related to chakras in their nature, so I’ve been sure to devote a good portion of my spiritual study to chakras over the years. 

One of the common omissions in chakra study is neglecting work on the lower chakras. Teachers often chide their students to spend more time on the lower chakras, since they are the foundation of the energy flow, and while not as ‘glamorous’ as the higher chakras, offer an abundance of rich introspection for the student. Many people get into their later years with only a passing understanding of the lower chakras, with most of the energy and interest focused higher. 

I have never been at risk for this omission. Most of my chakra study has been in the lower chakras, and I feel that I have a disconnect from my own higher chakras due to my diligent focus on the lower half. See, when I have those energy bursts that cause me to go into a seizure, they shoot energy from my lower chakras up my spine. 

This phenomenon started when I experimented with an advanced yogic breathing exercise, breathing deeply, envisioning energy flowing in through my crown and out through my root chakra, into the earth; as I exhaled, the energy would reverse flow, coming up from the earth, and branching out of my crown into the sky. Once an adequate channel of energy flow had been developed, I would focus on my root, clenching my sphincter while visualizing the red chakra wheel spinning. Breathing in, I would draw in energy from my crown chakra down, and it would not flow through my first chakra into the earth; it percolated in my root, and built. 

Now I understand that I was awakening the Kundalini at the base of my spine. My first seizure happened after a yoga class, where I spent an hour and a half working my body and breathing hard; after the class ended, I sat in meditation, and felt the energy shock from my spine up to my skull overtake me. It was pure, ecstatic bliss, and I am grateful to have had the experience. 

Like most people who have a kundalini awakening, mine lasted for a few years, and the seizures have tapered off recently. Other than coming close to having one once in Costa Rica, after being in proximity to a faith healing, I have not had one since moving; at least seven months. Actually, I think the second-to-last seizure I had was the one you witnessed. 

I am going through these recollections to juxtapose the familiarity I feel with the lower half of the Chakras to the unfamiliarity I feel with the lower triad of the Tree of Life. 

Since this is where we will be venturing next, I am going to record some of my connections (and disconnections) with this area of the tree. 

Regarding the different sephirah, I have a good understanding of Kether (full on ecstatic chakra energy pipes in your spine will do that to you), and after my philosophical studies of Plotinus in St Johns College, I have a good (sacred-geometry-ish) understanding of Chokmah and Binah. I relate to them primarily through the ideas of duality, and observing (and understanding) that duality, 2 and 3. 

Over the last year or two, I have become very comfortable with Chesed. It is the sephiric energy I invoke the most, now that I am a provider for a large family. The Jupiter / Santa energy that provides abundantly for all has been very comforting to me. 

During my P90X phases, I became well acquainted with the energy of Geburah. I have a strong understanding of the energies within this sphere; being a strong male, who had occasion to throw himself into extreme fitness, was my time of greatest connection to it. 

Tiphereth…oh, what a beautiful place. I count my meditations in strong heart energy as some of the most fulfilling and transcendent of my life. 

And then below that…we get to this lower triad, that I belatedly realize I don’t have strong connections to. I mean, I know what they all are, and what they house, and embody…and I know I manifest plenty of it (especially from Hod), but I feel that when I develop my connections to these sephirah, I will finally understand how to wield these energies properly. 

Right now, I feel like the aged chakra student without a good connection to the second chakra…and at that point, you are bereft of the youthful vigor of a strong libido to indulge in the energy that has been missed. 

I don’t want to skip over these important energies, and find myself too late to indulge in their study later in life. So I am looking forward eagerly to the entry into Imagination, Intellect, and Emotion. 

Here, in the Kingdom, I have noticed a progressive stagnation of energies. This could be compounded by the ‘any day’ now stage of my wife’s pregnancy, as well as the mold growing in my home. I need to sage stick my whole house, and scrub the walls with bleach again. 

Just by cleaning the one spare bedroom, and smudging it today, I feel a release from the stagnation that has been holding my finances, my business, and my emotions in a mire. I know this is one of the risks of the earthly realms, so I’m alerting you to the fact that it’s happening strongly for me right now. 

If you have any other Malkuth-related exercises or activities, let’s go through them quickly, so we can move into imagining.

Rewriting my Script relating to Money and Abundance

Don’t fret. Go make more.

This has become my paradigm. My guiding principle. The rudder of my ship.

I have left behind the mindset that worries about splicing a limited pool of resources into more expenses than it can cover.

That was the way I used to work. I honor that I went through that time, and I acknowledge that I have moved beyond that mindset in order to work on higher-level problems.

Regarding money and abundance, I allow into my life more resources than I need to meet all of my obligations.

I allow myself to live free of fear, and to confidently know that all of my financial needs are met.

I am entering the most lucrative stage of my life thus far. I have a scalable business, doing work that I love, and is in high demand in my current vicinity.

My skills are rare, and I can demand high prices for them.

I have outsourced those tasks that make me feel scarce, and my money will take care of itself.

So long as I focus on what I do best (writing, selling, and ideating) then I will continue to remain in the state of flow.

My position is not to worry about where money is coming from. I KNOW where money is coming from: I am the source of all wealth.

I am rich with creative ideas.

My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts.

What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it.

My value is beyond reckoning.

What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and to give.

What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill.

The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit.

Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness.

The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone and everything through me.

I radiate blessings.

I radiate creativity.

I radiate prosperity.

I radiate loving service.

I radiate joy, beauty, peace, wisdom, and power.

Humanity seeks me and reqards me.

I am beloved of the world. I am wanted wherever I go. I am appreciated.

Through my vision the world is blessed.

Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression.

My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones.

My faith is as the faith of the undefeatable.

My power to accomplish is unlimited.

I, in my uttermost God source, I am all wealth, all power, all productivity. I hereby declare my financial freedom, now and henceforth forever.


Welcome to the Jungle, baby.

I have moved from the city to the tropics, changing latitude by more than 40 degrees.

The equinox is coming, and the sun is pretty much in the same place. I am only a few degrees above the equator. Astrologically, I can’t tell how this is affecting me; I am overwhelmed by the difference in energetic environments.

Here, in the jungle, it is wild.

Here, in the jungle, the unexpected happens as a part of the daily existence.

A spark of life, a butterfly, a bug, a bird, traverses this landscape, and could be eaten by a predator at any moment.


For the first couple of weeks I was here, this was manifesting as strange vision flashes of catastrophe that could potentially happen to me and mine. Anticipation of devastation.

Thanks to my training, I have been able to let this go rather quickly, and focus on what I choose to focus my intent upon. But the barrage of catastrophic visions has taken fortitude to withstand; so today, the jungle and I came to an understanding.

I live on a mountain. The house was built by an American, so the space is well delineated between what is man’s space and what is the jungle’s.

The road to my house is paved. There is a wide tile porch and lights that flash on when a frog comes nearby. My space is my space. For weeks my two dogs have ranged around my house, chasing away creatures, marking territory, and acting as proxy extensions of my presence, helping to claim my space.

After first arriving, I hesitated to clear the space, declare my presence, and put up my flag for any and all spiritual beings in the local environment to see. I waited to feel it out first. When I finally did my first LBRP, it was an expected stirring up of the energetic pot.

I felt beings taking notice, and minor conflicts over space, but it was not until I performed this ritual in the jungle itself that I ran like hell.

I did this at night, in a foreign environment, in an unsanctified space. But I declared my presence, threw up some wards, and energetically walled off my house and property when I returned.

Whether this was a mistake or not, I am not sure. But today, I made a good connection with the jungle, using symbolic imagery.

There is a panther nearby. He lives on a mountain a few miles away, and the locals toss him a chicken every once in a while to keep him sated. This way their own goats and chickens have nothing to fear, so long as the jungle is sated.

I returned to this magical bower on my mountain, and went through my basic rituals: laying the circle, Qabalistic Cross, the affirmation to healing. And then, I listened.

There was a presence inspecting me, sniffing me. It was immensely powerful, but it was not hunting me; it was sensing me.

I personified this presence as a panther. Then I reached inside myself, and got a chicken, and tossed it to him.

He was very satisfied. I visualized myself encased in shining gold, and I reached out to scratch the panther’s ears. He rolled over on his back, so I rubbed his belly.

The jungle and I, we have come to an understanding.

I will appease this energy and these beings, and I will go about my merry way, unaffected by the chaos of nature that can bring unexpected destruction. Because I have paved my place, according to my rules, and we are but neighbors.

Solstice release

There was a lot going on tonight.


Considering everything that is happening cosmologically this evening, I am surprised I didn’t have the night planned out.  But tomorrow, the day of the actual solstice, I am taking a trip to Eagle Creek for a sweat lodge.  Tonight, the full moon and lunar eclipse, I could not find any magical event or happening that was scheduled elsewhere, and didn’t have the wherewithal to plan anything myself.


So I was taken by surprise this evening when I felt a calling a good half hour before the eclipse was to start.  I entered my sanctum in a near trance, unwashed and unprepared, with just enough time to go through my protective rituals before it started.

Someone is doing something very clever.

The Shamballah community has been given homework; every sunrise and sunset, we meditate for seven minutes on the golden pyramid, floating above our heads.  This image creates a beacon for someone to reach out and use to access the powers of all the initiates who participate.

I felt this happening, and rather than try to amplify my energetic output into my visualization (a bad habit which is my custom reaction) I decided to observe.

What I felt was the components of an advanced working.  My pyramid, and those of several other initiates (dozens? thousands? a few? who knows) were taken to put into a round amulet.  I felt Saturn, and the color black.  It did not seem to be the device for use in the culmination of the working, but rather a protective measure for something to come later.

I allowed myself to be used as raw material, for I was a brick in someone else’s wall, and to integrate my will or wishes with my small part to play would have either ejected me from the working or disturbed it too much to allow it to continue.  Either way, I was more interested in participating on the level I had access to.

There were definite amplifications of force, and while I don’t recall too much about the process, and I couldn’t sense too much, I could also tell when I was done.  My energies, accessed through the golden pyramid I have been visualizing day and night, were put to good use and I was not needed further.  The entire time was probably twenty minutes.

I went out of my office in a daze, had some brief interactions with my family, most of which centered around the movement of moderate sums of money.  We had roughly outlined these movements over the past day or week, but they were agitated by the movement, as I was not.  I took the opportunity, and the cash, into my office to cement the feeling.

I had the epiphany earlier this week that I once pined for love endlessly, obsessing over my lack of intimacy with all of my being.  It was only when I made the conscious decision to let this go that I found my life mate, and our romance has been a fairy tale ever since.

For the last few years I have had a comparable obsession with lack of money.  By consciously deciding to let this go, as well, to no longer let the lack consume my every thought, emotion, and decision, I feel I will similarly catapult myself to a different state of being.

This was confirmed when I returned to my office to meditate, cash in hand, and added it to my supply of money saved for a trip to the tropics.  I adored this money, felt gratitude for it, and will be letting it go when I exchange it for colones and give it to my bride for christmas.  I set the open box on my altar, and looked at the fat stack of bills through the candle flame, and I was urged to move through the flame spiritually.

I merged with the flame, became one with the light.  It is during such a state that impurities are burned away, and I fascinated my inner gaze upon that separate part of myself, my lack, which could now finally be recognized as other than me.

I went through the fire, emerging on the other side purer, without the gnawing anxiety of monetary lack clutching at my brain and soul.  I was free.

I examined my new state curiously, happily, refreshed.  I reached down to the stack of bills, some of which were large, other small, and new, relaxedly, that the stack I picked up was only large bills.  Sure enough, I had three hundred dollars in five bills, with a five dollar bill left in the box atop the rest of my new money.  The knowledge that what I was grabbing was somehow important, because it solidified that I could relax into abundance as a state, and didn’t need to second guess it or fear for its lack.

It simply is there.

So this solstice, this lunar eclipse, I have let go of one of my greatest blocks over the last six years.  My fear of money, as useful as it was to me for that time, is no longer necessary.  And I bid it farewell, goodbye.

Meditation in a Clear Mind

I have a very busy mind.

This is an advantage for many aspects of my life; being an idea generator keeps me from ever becoming bored, and I have gained a truly astounding number of skills due to my ability to learn.

However, while reading a book titled Leaving the Body, about Astral Projection, I came across an innocent passage that threw my entire worldview into disarray.

You are more than your ability to process thoughts.  You are also a center of energy.

Of course, the light bulb labeled ‘Eureka’ said inside my head.  My status as an energy nexus is possibly more important to my livelihood, my enjoyment of life, and my abilities as a magician, than is my ability to think many variegated things.

I enjoy thinking.  It is one of the things I am best at.  However, it also interfered with very necessary aspects of my being that do not need to employ thought.

This morning, as I sat down to meditate (which I grudgingly force myself to do for under five minutes each day) I had a series of thoughts come into my mind, unbidden, as usual.  My favored technique has been to observe the thoughts as they come into my mind, and allow them to slide away as I return to neutrality.

I cannot keep this up for very long, because I begin to grow restless.  My need for accomplishment and experiment drives me to move on to a ritual, an affirmation, a place to direct my formidable will.

But what I am neglecting is my formidable energy.  I am a powerful being, and so long as I continue to ignore the needs of my energy body, I am going to continue thwarting it.

Yesterday I did not meditate in the morning, or spend any time at my rituals at all.  The effect was apparent throughout the day.  Calming my thoughts was so difficult as to become impossible; this is easy enough to focus into productive work on a work day, but on a Sunday, I had no outlet for these rampaging musings.  At the end of the evening, I sat with my glass of wine and a book, and read recreationally for the first time in ages.  While perusing Leaving the Body, I tried some of the breathing exercises that yogis have used to achieve OBE (Out of Body Experiences).   But I could not devote my attention fully to this experience without simultaneously continuing to read.

My mind is my hungry ghost.  It is insatiable.  Continually wanting to consume more new information, it is relentless in its need to find new material to interact with, consider, digest, and assimilate.  If alone, I cannot even eat without reading.

Since my Kundalini awakening, I have had energy rampaging through my body.  Instead of developing myself as an energetic being, I have dedicated myself wholly to the mind, neglecting the very explosiveness that I could use to focus to my purposes.

What, then, should I do?  I fear I cannot entirely leave the pleasures of the mind, especially while my career and livelihood involve working on the computer and on the internet.  But I can reserve sections of my week to build myself as an energetic being, and work on those exercises that would help me to grow in this area.


First, then, a compilation of exercises is in order.  My mind will be satisfied first before I can move into the simplest, purest answer; only after I have exhausted every angle of speculation will my eager mind let a subject rest, so that I may contemplate it in neutrality.

Amazing Sunrise

Last night, I entered the element of Fire.


In Amanda Jones’ Elements Series, we progress through each element for 2 weeks.  Earth and Water sucked, Air felt more familiar than I expected, and now, I am in my true element: Fire.

This morning, I rose at 4:30 in the morning to drive down to Eugene for a job interview.  I got a job offer yesterday for a lesser-quality job; cold calling in a cube for 8 hours a day.  A good environment to invoke the element of Fire.  I am optimistic about my career prospects with this assitance.

After sunrise, there was a mountain ridge to my left, and I pulled into a rest area.  Crossing the freeway on foot, following a path to a fence, nimbly hopping over and walking across the dewy grass, I looked up to the mountains before me, and watched the sun rise over it.

The shafts of light to either side of the mountain heralded the growing light that was on its way.  Their angles changed, and the skyline on the ridge began to glow bright white.  The silhouette shifted above and below the ridgeline, so I would alternately see a line of white, then black, then white, that matched the rugged curves of the mountain, overlapping and shifting above it.

Then the first pinpoint of light came over, and I felt the touch of Fire.

It was not blazing hot, as I had expected; it was more like the invocation last night: gentle, steady, warm.  The flame, not the spark.

It grew slowly, and my eyes were faced with something greater than I could comprehend.  Literally.  I squinted my eyes and watched through my watery eyelashes, and a long streak of white light came down from the sun to the base of the mountain.  Although I knew it to be a refraction of my own eyes, I still smiled at the Sword as it manifested in my vision.

Then some amazing things happened with color.  The white of the sun became enveloped by flashes of purple, and the pyrotechnic display reminded me of the ‘flashing colors’ I have read about but never employed.  Except here, it was not two colors set side by side to create an intentional visual effect; this was the effect itself, happening within the majesty of nature.

As the sun rose to the top of the mountain ridge, the colors stabilized, white, blue, yellow and purple, crowning and cradling the newborn sun.  I drank in this majesty for a while, then stepped into my day, accepting the bounteous gifts of nature as part of my birthright.

Technical notes: I cast a circle, performed the Calling Upon and the Qabalistic Cross.  Rather than perform more rituals in the field, I opted instead to set the space and allow nature to interact with my magically-heightened senses.

It’s a big step for me to use magic, not as a force that I try and inflict upon reality, but instead as a container within which I can examine reality.

Journaling: a necessary practice

Absurdly, I do not journal every day.

As a writer, and a lover f words, I understand that my mind processes things best when I can write through them.  Yet despite my incredible advances in personal growth through study of the esoteric arts, I shirk this one necessary practice.


I suppose I do not attribute the time spent journaling as productive.  I could be working, or researching, but more likely I am surfing facebook or pawing through my email for the eighteenth time that day.  Before wasting time on any of these little trivialities, I must ensure that I have had the time to download my thoughts through my fingers by logging into this private blog and journaling.

I have the ritual at my hand for subjects; draw a card, out of my new Giant Rider-Waite deck, and contemplate it on my life.  There is plenty to discuss on this once a day and can be done in ten minutes.

A new commitment, then.  As I must learn a new deck, and move into a lost habit, I will journal on a card once every morning.

I am satisfied with the meditation portion of my morning routine; I now have a series of rituals to go through, and now that I have included the Middle Pillar in the lineup I feel more cogent.  Daily practice of this ritual, while necessary for Golden Dawn proper, is not recommended by the Modern Mystery School.  I find it inappropriate to banish this personal invocation of power from daily use, especially when it is essential to the work and craft of magicians from such a closely related order.  On a tangent, I have stopped doing the 7-directional pentagram every day, since it banishes forces in my sanctum that I don’t wish continually cleansed.  The daily cleansing of sage, yes; in nomini padre, yes; but this pentagram cleans the space in a way that leaves it stale, and I need a magical batina in my personal sanctum.

I have a project stirring around for a more comprehensive website, based on magickal arts and study; a resource, full of pages of SEO optimized content, with lots of hits and affiliate programs and advertisers on all of the pages.  Maintenance of this site would be an easy job to maintain while living in the tropics.

Now that I am in the element of Air (my first time through Amanda Jones’ elements series), possibilities are openeing on all quarters.  My wife has fallen in love with the idea of Costa Rica, and for more reasons than I can list, this is the right move for our entire family.  Now, I must manifest it.

Now, I must describe the life I wish to live.  The man I wish to be.

I visualize the future, fluently.

We live in a villa just minutes from the ocean.  I run down to the sand every morning, performing my rituals in a secluded little space I have laid claim to.  I swim in the ocean to start my day.  I come home and eat fruit and coconuts with my family, and we laugh and play in the sunshine.

I get to work when I feel like it, and I love my work.  I spend a few hours on the computer, being creative and communicating with my contacts back in the states.  Skype is essential to my livelihood.  After a few hours of tinkering with my websites and delegating tasks to my team, I take siesta with my family.  We laze in hammocks and talk about the world, numbers, myths, and history.  We speak in three different languages in the house.  We have a grand time together, and we all enjoy our fun.

Then my wife and I leave for a date, and we stroll through San Jose, enjoying our new community and culture.  We are seen as the exotic, magical couple, and peopla are in awe of us.  I like it that way.

I live a life fuilled with ease and prosperity.  I love my life.  I love my life.


Surrender is a beautiful movement in which you gracefully, willingly, languidly fall, only to find midway that you have been gathered into some unimaginable embrace. Surrender is letting go, whether or not you believe the embrace will occur. It’s trust to the hundredth power – not sticking to your idea of the outcome, but letting go in the faith that even the absence of an outcome will be the perfect solution.

Surrender is diaphanous and fluid. It’s the giving up of rigidity of every kind: rigidities of the mind that design outcomes to occur in very specific ways; rigidities of the body that refuse to receive the touch that could heal, the passion that could transform; rigidities of the soul that congeal and congest the spirit, causing it to imagine it has a life apart from the body and mind.

Surrender is meltdown of every rigidity we’ve ever been committed to, the conscious and unconscious dismantling of how we though things should be, to make way for the way things will, in fact, occur. It’s a kind of being surprised by joy, of happily swimming into greater consciousness that’s always operating on our behalf. Just as a child, learning to swim, discovers, amazed, that the water does hold him up, so surrender buoys us up, supports us for the fulfillment of our destinies.

Surrender requires purity of intention. In the absolute freedom it grants in response to our letting go, it requires an absolute commitment of holding onto nothing. Whatever you thought you had – the idea, the expectation, the plan, the hope of how things should be – you must let go of it fully. Surrender is stepping away from the certainty of your categories into the no-man’s-land of all possibilities.

And it is in surrendering, in letting go into the void – into the mysterious, unnamed, mystical, formless future, into the arms that are invisible – that we become finally ready to receive it all. Surrender is the giving of your all to the All, the waiting with an absolute absence of expectation for the totally perfect thing to occur. ♥

~Daphne Rose Kingma

Magical study group

I’m having breakthroughs left and right.  I hope you two are as well; I’d love to hear about them.

Since it helps me to process something by writing about it, I’m going to through these revelation-bombs your way.  Maybe a better step would be to set up a blog to hold my magical musings, but for right now, you are the exclusive readers of the metaphysical-blog-yet-to-be.  (Whoa.  Heady.)

Today I felt really grateful to have the tools at my disposal that Amanda introduced to us.  My whole household was thrown into disarray; the preschool attached to our house starts summer term tomorrow, and the two teachers both quit today.  My wife and her mom run the school together, and my mother in law has a real habit of stewing in anger over negative things.  I saw this building, and so I put up my defenses, and had to use a couple of the rituals multiple times.

Even though everyone else in the house was on an emotional roller coaster, I alone was able to ride the waves with an even keel.  When one of the teachers called and had an hour long nasty phone call with my wifes mom, I stayed upstairs with the kids, cleansing the space and praying.  Even with the fireworks going off, they were kept very calm by my work.  I came downstairs to sage off my wife, and then her mom, and she accepted it gratefully.  They’re both from New Mexico and understand sage.

When my mother in law wanted to start bitching about the situation though, immediately after three ‘In Nomini Padre’s, I had to stop her and say, ‘You can talk to Johanna about this, but I can’t talk about it.  My responsibility right now is to hold the light for the house.’  I didn’t want to get trapped into the duality illusion and participate in the (sometimes) necessary decompression known as gossip.

She snapped at me and put up all these defenses about what she had been meaning to say; I recognized that she had just gone through an extremely negative confrontation, apologized, and left the room.  My kids are sleeping soundly.  I’ve protected them, and done what I could for those going through the thick of the negative energies.

I’m much more sensitive to these waves of energy now.  I can feel them coming, prepare for them, manage them, and analyze them after they’ve run their course.  This added perspective on existence is another one of the joys of this work.

Check in letter 2

For the first time I used the meditation on page 40 of the manual, ‘Steps to Enter your Sanctuary.’  Wow.  Amazing.  Utterly amazing, that I have these tools of personal growth and introspection available to me now.

And protection!  I have felt so out of whack energetically since the initiation, as my baseline, but doing the rituals every day has really helped to steady me and return me to center.  I feel like the newborn foal with all these long legs and a very wobbly understanding of how to use them gracefully, but surefire knowledge of the power to soar these new legs are giving me.