Balancing it out.

I’ve got power in Hod. Its where my head (ha-ha) naturally goes when I am thinking. I am always in motion, like Mercury, seeing myself an extension of the activities I am in the midst of doing, and the places I am in the midst of going.

Even now, in the writer’s trance, I feel most at home, looking behind at the letters I have already typed, and ahead to the ideas I have yet to translate into words that are eaten up by my fingers clattering on the keyboard.

This motion is natural to me.

It doesn’t mean I need to fight it, in order to rectify any imbalance; I simply have to Know this about myself.

In order to achieve balance, I have to manually insert Netzach into my experience regularly.

I am finding this works best through periods of meditation.

I’m a digital ninja, fer crissakes. I took the twenty minutes necessary to find the right meditation apps for my iphone, complete with binaural beat frequencies. Now I have the tools to enter trance, and shut off the raging intellect for a few minutes, sporadically throughout the day.

Then when I return to the domains of Hod, I am balanced while I am there, and I have the powers of Netzach behind me to fulfill the manifestation,.

I can see the next step: incorporating an emotional state. Next I need to invite in an emotion and hold it for a period of time. (I’m guessing this is touching on Four Worlds Meditations, where I am already lacking in knowledge.) Do you have any exercises for me?

Reviewing Netzach

The receptivity is where I lack.

I like taking these two sephiroth in a pair; they interplay so much, being on the same level (but different pillars) I understand them much better now, in the context of one another.

I am very will-driven. My tagline is “I make things happen.”About a year ago I realized the error of this, trying to continually inflict my will upon reality. Privately, I changed my tagline to “I let things happen.”

It’s more difficult for me to ensoul this mantra into my being, so I’m going to make me some subliminal audio affirmations to help do that. (Thanks to the ALF, I know how to do that. And so will you – module 4, coming up next month.)

By letting things happen, I allow in the massive powers of the universe to create the universe that is in truest alignment with the energy I am putting out. I could very well be consciously evoking one intention, and subconciously evoking another, and the result is a pile of bleh.

Using the powers of Netzach, I can relax myself into the flow, and dance my way to manifestation.

I’m exhausted, frankly, of trying to define and manifest everything myself. It shouldn’t be laden with effort. Instead, I’m going to vaguely outline what I would like (in terms of the specific feelings I would like to have manifested) and then step out of the way and let the heirarchy do its work.

I let things happen.

It isn’t as catchy, but it’s a lot more effective.