Draining the Magicians

It’s an interesting day today.

The new moon, the eclipse, theres some major shit going down today. Last night, too, Saturday, I could feel it really strongly. Theres a lot of magical energy swirling…

…and I just want to sit it all out.

It’s funny, when I was younger, I always wanted to be involved in a big cosmic shift. Now that one is here, I don’t want to participate in it; I just want to sit out on the sidelines, shelter my family from any ill effects, and be prepared for the new world we’re going to get.

I’m writing this to you for a few reasons; first, you’re a good friend; second, I don’t have anyone to talk magic with here, and I really need that as an outlet.

For a while I was working with Amanda in this area, doing a distance coaching on moving up the Tree of Life. But I didn’t really want to go past Tiphareth, for a few reasons, and as I’m sure you know when coaching relationships are in disarray, communication is paused, until we can find the right way to resume the conversation.

So amanda and I aren’t really talking right now; I get the impression she is waiting for the Hierarchy to give her guidance, or waiting for today to perform an exit ritual. Normally I would write to her about this sort of thing, but I want to write this to you, because I’ve come to realize something:

the ipssissimus is not treating his flock well.

I say this as an outsider, as someone not involved in the Mystery School at any high level, as someone who has energetic antennae and can interpret my perceptions in an independent way. You, Mikaela, are in exactly the same status; you are Mystery School-friendly, but not part of their organization, practically or psychically.

I think the conversation we’ve been having over the last few years, about how all the RMs are broke and destitute, has something to do with what I’ve been feeling from the top: a pull. A draining. A siphoning of power.

Having only moderate knowledge of the workings of Golden Dawn traditions, I can’t postulate anything certainly, I can only hypothesize: I think the ipsissimus has a connection to all initiates through the initiation ritual, and he can draw power through that connection at will.

There have been times in history when members of the Esoteric Brotherhood were powerful and wealthy, in no small part due to their studies of the occult. Isaac Newton was the master of the Mint in London. Francis Bacon, and other of his contemporaries were powerful and wealthy. During that time, the practice of the magical arts was an augmentation of one’s power.

In our day and age, magicians are a sorry lot.

They tend to be poor, artistic, and counter-culture. The only major exception (in America) I can think of is the Masons, who function more as a power-broker-network than a magical society, but they still overlap.

So what has separated the Modern Mystery school from its forbears, in regards to the ability of its members to succeed and become powerful in temporal affairs?

The two major distinctions I see are the advance of the Internet, and the current head of the Brotherhood of Light.

My wife knew of the Rocky Mountain Mystery School when she grew up in Santa Fe. The heads of the local chapter were always in financial straits.

And Gudni was running it even back then.

Based on the experience I had with the Golden Pyramid meditation, which I told you about in our last Skype call, I can tell that he is using group connections for his own use of magical power.

I think it is draining all the magicians.

While I was working with Amanda, I saw things in my life beginning to fall apart. My clients stopped coming in, I had a contract fall apart, and it reminded me of the last time I worked with her, during the Elements Class I took with her in the end of 2010. At the same time, my financial life started falling apart; I lost my job at Spot Color Studio, and three business deals all crashed at the same time.

Having gone through this twice, I’m not calling them definitely connected, but I don’t feel comfortable calling it a coincidence.

I’ve stopped doing my daily rituals. Other than an occasional Qabalistic Cross, and a monthly practice of the MIddle Pillar on the full moon, I don’t do the daily rituals in the initiate’s manual. Especially the circle.

I think casting the circle is how the ipsissimus collects from the initiates.

I say this not as a declaration, or a condemnation, but merely as a theory. I stopped doing this ritual, and everything got easier. I got a job. Money started coming in. The effects, whatever their source, are reversing themselves.

And I’m not willing to put aside the idea that it is possible that this work has been knocking me into a better place than I ever could have been; the first time this happened, in the Elements class, my situation changed to allow me to move to Costa Rica. The second time, when I had a client walk out on a ten thousand dollar contract, it made me fold my business and look for a job (that I got in three weeks) that is exceptionally awesome and gets me in with some really powerful people. This could be the step-up I’ve been waiting for in my career.

So it’s possible that the mega-shift is better for me in the long run; but I’m no longer willing to pay the price of my financial success, with a family of 7 people counting on my ability to provide for them. So I’m taking my benefits and growth and stepping out.

I’d love to know your thoughts, and any experiences you’ve had in this regard.