I’ve got power in Hod. Its where my head (ha-ha) naturally goes when I am thinking. I am always in motion, like Mercury, seeing myself an extension of the activities I am in the midst of doing, and the places I am in the midst of going.
Even now, in the writer’s trance, I feel most at home, looking behind at the letters I have already typed, and ahead to the ideas I have yet to translate into words that are eaten up by my fingers clattering on the keyboard.
This motion is natural to me.
It doesn’t mean I need to fight it, in order to rectify any imbalance; I simply have to Know this about myself.
In order to achieve balance, I have to manually insert Netzach into my experience regularly.
I am finding this works best through periods of meditation.
I’m a digital ninja, fer crissakes. I took the twenty minutes necessary to find the right meditation apps for my iphone, complete with binaural beat frequencies. Now I have the tools to enter trance, and shut off the raging intellect for a few minutes, sporadically throughout the day.
Then when I return to the domains of Hod, I am balanced while I am there, and I have the powers of Netzach behind me to fulfill the manifestation,.
I can see the next step: incorporating an emotional state. Next I need to invite in an emotion and hold it for a period of time. (I’m guessing this is touching on Four Worlds Meditations, where I am already lacking in knowledge.) Do you have any exercises for me?
Yep yep yep there are more exercises waiting for you in your in-box. Spend some time with them and feel your way through them. I have a four worlds exercise for you when you are done with the stuff I send over.
Emotions are always a wild ride.
Hang on. 😉
Writing is good therapy, I’m glad you are finger flying. 😉