The Lower Triad

As happy as I am in Malkuth, I think we have reached a point of stagnation. Looking not only over our correspondence over the last couple weeks – distracted with holidays, new work alliances, and the coming new year (not to mention some powerfully astrological days recently – we’ll be in a boom time until the 8th) I want to revisit our timeline, and relate some revelations during my meditation today. 

I’ve done a good amount of chakra work, through an intense study of yoga, and also in magical-related reading. I’ve had some Kundalini flareups that are peripherally related to chakras in their nature, so I’ve been sure to devote a good portion of my spiritual study to chakras over the years. 

One of the common omissions in chakra study is neglecting work on the lower chakras. Teachers often chide their students to spend more time on the lower chakras, since they are the foundation of the energy flow, and while not as ‘glamorous’ as the higher chakras, offer an abundance of rich introspection for the student. Many people get into their later years with only a passing understanding of the lower chakras, with most of the energy and interest focused higher. 

I have never been at risk for this omission. Most of my chakra study has been in the lower chakras, and I feel that I have a disconnect from my own higher chakras due to my diligent focus on the lower half. See, when I have those energy bursts that cause me to go into a seizure, they shoot energy from my lower chakras up my spine. 

This phenomenon started when I experimented with an advanced yogic breathing exercise, breathing deeply, envisioning energy flowing in through my crown and out through my root chakra, into the earth; as I exhaled, the energy would reverse flow, coming up from the earth, and branching out of my crown into the sky. Once an adequate channel of energy flow had been developed, I would focus on my root, clenching my sphincter while visualizing the red chakra wheel spinning. Breathing in, I would draw in energy from my crown chakra down, and it would not flow through my first chakra into the earth; it percolated in my root, and built. 

Now I understand that I was awakening the Kundalini at the base of my spine. My first seizure happened after a yoga class, where I spent an hour and a half working my body and breathing hard; after the class ended, I sat in meditation, and felt the energy shock from my spine up to my skull overtake me. It was pure, ecstatic bliss, and I am grateful to have had the experience. 

Like most people who have a kundalini awakening, mine lasted for a few years, and the seizures have tapered off recently. Other than coming close to having one once in Costa Rica, after being in proximity to a faith healing, I have not had one since moving; at least seven months. Actually, I think the second-to-last seizure I had was the one you witnessed. 

I am going through these recollections to juxtapose the familiarity I feel with the lower half of the Chakras to the unfamiliarity I feel with the lower triad of the Tree of Life. 

Since this is where we will be venturing next, I am going to record some of my connections (and disconnections) with this area of the tree. 

Regarding the different sephirah, I have a good understanding of Kether (full on ecstatic chakra energy pipes in your spine will do that to you), and after my philosophical studies of Plotinus in St Johns College, I have a good (sacred-geometry-ish) understanding of Chokmah and Binah. I relate to them primarily through the ideas of duality, and observing (and understanding) that duality, 2 and 3. 

Over the last year or two, I have become very comfortable with Chesed. It is the sephiric energy I invoke the most, now that I am a provider for a large family. The Jupiter / Santa energy that provides abundantly for all has been very comforting to me. 

During my P90X phases, I became well acquainted with the energy of Geburah. I have a strong understanding of the energies within this sphere; being a strong male, who had occasion to throw himself into extreme fitness, was my time of greatest connection to it. 

Tiphereth…oh, what a beautiful place. I count my meditations in strong heart energy as some of the most fulfilling and transcendent of my life. 

And then below that…we get to this lower triad, that I belatedly realize I don’t have strong connections to. I mean, I know what they all are, and what they house, and embody…and I know I manifest plenty of it (especially from Hod), but I feel that when I develop my connections to these sephirah, I will finally understand how to wield these energies properly. 

Right now, I feel like the aged chakra student without a good connection to the second chakra…and at that point, you are bereft of the youthful vigor of a strong libido to indulge in the energy that has been missed. 

I don’t want to skip over these important energies, and find myself too late to indulge in their study later in life. So I am looking forward eagerly to the entry into Imagination, Intellect, and Emotion. 

Here, in the Kingdom, I have noticed a progressive stagnation of energies. This could be compounded by the ‘any day’ now stage of my wife’s pregnancy, as well as the mold growing in my home. I need to sage stick my whole house, and scrub the walls with bleach again. 

Just by cleaning the one spare bedroom, and smudging it today, I feel a release from the stagnation that has been holding my finances, my business, and my emotions in a mire. I know this is one of the risks of the earthly realms, so I’m alerting you to the fact that it’s happening strongly for me right now. 

If you have any other Malkuth-related exercises or activities, let’s go through them quickly, so we can move into imagining.

Rewriting my Script relating to Money and Abundance

Don’t fret. Go make more.

This has become my paradigm. My guiding principle. The rudder of my ship.

I have left behind the mindset that worries about splicing a limited pool of resources into more expenses than it can cover.

That was the way I used to work. I honor that I went through that time, and I acknowledge that I have moved beyond that mindset in order to work on higher-level problems.

Regarding money and abundance, I allow into my life more resources than I need to meet all of my obligations.

I allow myself to live free of fear, and to confidently know that all of my financial needs are met.

I am entering the most lucrative stage of my life thus far. I have a scalable business, doing work that I love, and is in high demand in my current vicinity.

My skills are rare, and I can demand high prices for them.

I have outsourced those tasks that make me feel scarce, and my money will take care of itself.

So long as I focus on what I do best (writing, selling, and ideating) then I will continue to remain in the state of flow.

My position is not to worry about where money is coming from. I KNOW where money is coming from: I am the source of all wealth.

I am rich with creative ideas.

My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts.

What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it.

My value is beyond reckoning.

What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and to give.

What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill.

The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit.

Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness.

The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone and everything through me.

I radiate blessings.

I radiate creativity.

I radiate prosperity.

I radiate loving service.

I radiate joy, beauty, peace, wisdom, and power.

Humanity seeks me and reqards me.

I am beloved of the world. I am wanted wherever I go. I am appreciated.

Through my vision the world is blessed.

Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression.

My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones.

My faith is as the faith of the undefeatable.

My power to accomplish is unlimited.

I, in my uttermost God source, I am all wealth, all power, all productivity. I hereby declare my financial freedom, now and henceforth forever.